
Contact Information

Email: yangui AT laas DOT fr

Sami Yangui

Visiting Scholar



Sami Yangui is Associate Professor with Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA), Toulouse, France. He is a member of the LAAS-CNRS research lab. His research interests include distributed systems and architectures, service-oriented computing, and Internet of Things. He is working on different aspects related to these topics, such as cloud/edge computing, network functions virtualization, and content delivery networks. He is involved in different European and International projects, as well as, standardization efforts. He published several scientific papers in high-ranked conferences and journals in his field of research. He is IEEE Member and he served on many program and organization committees of International conferences and workshops, as well as, guest editor in several journals such as Future Generation Computer Systems journal edited by Elsevier and IEEE Access. He is a member of the evaluation committees of the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the Fonds de Recherche du Quebec – Nature and Technologies (FRQNT)