Lab Description
The Drone Services Lab (DSL) provides facilities for development of various service-oriented frameworks using drone technologies. DSL collaborates with industry and academia to facilitate cutting-edge research and development in drones to autonomously operate in complex and diverse environments. This includes the design of novel frameworks for abstraction and path planning of drones. DSL supports education by training the undergraduate and graduate level students to advance research and develop tangible solutions. The laboratory is equipped with various types of drones including Crazyflie and DJI Tello Edu.
Aim and Objectives
The aim of the drone services lab is to design, develop, and test innovative drone technologies and applications, focusing on the delivery of services. The experiments are carried in a built 3D city environment representing a sky network that drones travel in.
Demo Videos
Research Projects

– Conferences:
- Failure-Sentient Composition For Swarm-Based Drone Services. Balsam Alkouz, Athman Bouguettaya, and Abdallah Lakhdari. ICWS 2023, Virtual.
- Service-Oriented Architecture for Drone-based Multi-Package Delivery. Babar Shahzaad, and Athman Bouguettaya. ICWS 2022, Spain.
- Density-Based Pruning of Drone Swarm Services. Balsam Alkouz, Athman Bouguettaya, and Abdallah Lakhdari. ICWS 2022, Virtual.
- Service-Based Drone Delivery. Balsam Alkouz, Babar Shahzaad, Athman Bouguettaya. IEEE CIC 2021 , Virtual.
- Top-k Dynamic Service Composition in Skyway Networks. Babar Shahzaad, and Athman Bouguettaya. ICSOC 2021, Virtual.
- A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Re-allocating Drone Swarm Services. Balsam Alkouz, and Athman Bouguettaya. ICSOC 2021, Virtual.
- Robust Composition of Drone Delivery Services under Uncertainty. Babar Shahzaad, Athman Bouguettaya, and Sajib Mistry. ICWS 2021, Virtual.
- Provider-centric Allocation of Drone Swarm Services. Balsam Alkouz, and Athman Bouguettaya. ICWS 2021, Virtual.
- A Game-Theoretic Drone-as-a-Service Composition for Delivery. Babar Shahzaad, Athman Bouguettaya, and Sajib Mistry. ICWS 2020, Beijing, Virtual.
- Formation-based Selection of Drone Swarm Services. Balsam Alkouz, and Athman Bouguettaya. EAI MobiQuitous 2020, Virtual.
- Swarm-based Drone-as-a-Service (SDaaS) for Delivery. Balsam Alkouz, Athman Bouguettaya, and Sajib Mistry. ICWS 2020, Virtual.
- Constraint-Aware Drone-as-a-Service Composition. Babar Shahzaad, Athman Bouguettaya, Sajib Mistry, and Azadeh Ghari Neiat. ICSOC 2019, Toulouse, France.
- Composing Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) for Delivery. Babar Shahzaad, Athman Bouguettaya, Sajib Mistry, and Azadeh Ghari Neiat. ICWS 2019: Milan, Italy.
– Journals:
- In-Flight Energy-Driven Composition of Drone Swarm Services. Balsam Alkouz, Amani Abusafia, Abdallah Lakhdari, Athman Bouguettaya. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (2022).
- Resilient Composition of Drone Services for Delivery. Babar Shahzaad, Athman Bouguettaya, Sajib Mistry , and Azadeh Ghari Neiat. Future Generation Computer Systems (2020).
- Optimizing Drone Delivery in Smart Cities. Babar Shahzaad, Balsam Alkouz, Jermaine Janszen, and Athman Bouguettaya. IEEE Internet Computing (2023).
– Demos/Posters:
- Service-based Trajectory Planning in Multi-Drone Skyway Networks. Sarah Bradley, Albertus Alvin Janitra, Babar Shahzaad, Balsam Alkouz, Athman Bouguettaya, and Abdallah Lakhdari. PerCom 2023, Atlanta, USA, Demo paper.
- Drone Formation for Efficient Swarm Energy Consumption. Shilong Guo, Balsam Alkouz, Babar Shahzaad, Abdallah Lakhdari, and Athman Bouguettaya. PerCom 2023, Atlanta, USA, Demo paper.
- Autonomous Delivery of Multiple Packages Using Single Drone in Urban Airspace. Seunghyun Lee, Babar Shahzaad, Balsam Alkouz, Abdallah Lakhdari, Athman Bouguettaya. UbiComp 2022, Virtual, Demo paper.
- Constraint-based Formation of Drone Swarms. Xijing Liu, Kevin Lam, Balsam Alkouz, Babar Shahzaad, Athman Bouguettaya. PerCom 2022, Virtual, Demo paper.
- Constraint-Aware Trajectory for Drone Delivery Services. Jermaine Janszen, Babar Shahzaad, Balsam Alkouz, Athman Bouguettaya. ICSOC 2021, Virtual, Demo paper.
- Package Delivery Using Autonomous Drones in Skyways. Woojin Lee, Balsam Alkouz, Babar Shazaad, and Athman Bouguettaya. UbiComp21, Virtual, Demo paper.
Leb Setup